Mobile Premier League- Poker Academy

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about poker? Obviously a game of cards where friends are assembled and sitting around the table where the cards are passed from person to person and then there begins the round.

There are different forms of gambling ventures but poker is the most popular of all where you have so many aspects to this one game itself and one article isn’t enough to understand the wholesome entertainment spectacle that it demands.

Where there is gambling, there is money and where there is money, there is betting. Both gambling and betting are two sides of the same coin-inconceivable without the other because bookies always look out for the best player in the game that will guarantee their money’s worth.

Betting experts invest their money only on those that they feel will give them handsome returns with platforms like Mobile Premier League (MPL) being a notable example where you can get the gist of what a mobile e-Sports platform is like but there is some good news for Poker lovers in this regard.

Poker Institute

There can be no better place than MPL to learn about the best e-Sports platforms because this one tops the list where it is difficult to find a competitive rival for it so anyone that critiques about its worthiness can first give it a try.

What are the best countries in the world when it comes to gambling? The answer might shock many readers but India has become a hub of sorts because the craze for gambling goes back to ancient times.

Indian Poker Festival recently launched MPL with the big hopes of making it a success and successful it became due to many players trying their luck at the festival big time while newcomers tried to utilize this opportunity to learn more about the game.

If you want the best gaming experience in Asia, then this festival is the one to look for as it contains many tournaments with formats that cater to all kinds of players. The tournament is an 11 day spectacle from May 26th to June 5th where the best players numbering on thousands will participate in the event.

Poker is the most popular form of gambling that is played by billions of players all across the globe with w88 being a popular betting website not just for poker but American soccer as well.

Final Points

The technological advancements with the upgrading of technology has made poker a worthwhile option to go for where you have complete transparency and fair play regarding the game and its players so the scope for cheating is very little.

When it comes to the best poker players in India, Siddharth Karia, Dhaval Mudgal and Parth Jain are the ones that instantly come to mind that have reached a position where they mould future players by giving the necessary tips and tricks required to not just play well but win.

Keep in mind that no player can win all the time but the strategic tactics required to comfortably sail through is what the aforementioned players are experts at, which is what makes the India Poker Festival one of the most anticipated tournaments in the country.

About William 168 Articles
William Covington is the founder of He used to be a general manager of one of the leading land- based casino in Los Angeles, California